Born in 1910 in Paris, Aurélie Nemours enrolls at the Louvre School of Fine Arts in 1929 for a 3-year cycle. From 1937 to 1940, she is a student of the Paul Colin studio publicity and Applied Arts, workshop mainly devoted to drawing, poster and theatrical decor. At the end of the war, she follows courses until 1945 during the Academy of Andre Lhote. Aurélie Nemours then writes poems (published in 1950), activity she continues in parallel with her painting job.
In 1949 she enrolls at the opened Atelier Fernand Léger. She begins painting in 1949 and quickly participates in groups exhibitions. Immediately, her painting is non-figurative. Her first solo exhibition is held at the Galery Colette Allendy (1953) on this occasion, the artist becomes friends with Michael Seuphor. Nemours takes part for a time to events of the group "Space" founded in 1951 by Félix Del Marle, then the group "Mesure", these two groups is an offshoot of the "New Realities". The artist exhibits in the Parisian Salons (New Realities, Comparisons, Sacred Art Show, Salon of Automn, Salon of Today Elder and Younger). The artist also participates actively in international trade fairs. Over the years, a numerous of exhibitions are devote to her art in France and abroad.
In 1994, Aurelie Nemours receives the grand prize for painting. The work of Aurelie Nemours can be divided into periods. It is from the exhibition of 1953 (Allendy Gallery, Paris) that the artist has limited, almost without exception, the structure of all her works only to vertical and horizontal, which are characteristic of all her work. Square. Rectangles. Complex juxtapositions. Staining and contrasts.
Nemours hopes to "install a vacuum", according to her own words. The culmination of this rigorous work, goes to the asceticism limited to squares and rectangles, black or gray, work on space and matter.
Aurélie Nemours leaves us in 2005 in Paris.