Pananti Auction House
Founded in 1968 by the current management, it has become, thanks to its uninterrupted exhibition activity, with personal and collective exhibitions, auction sales on behalf of third parties flanked by the uninterrupted publishing activity, reference point and meeting point for collectors, critics art, painters, sculptors, poets and writers. During its more than forty years of activity, aimed above all at supporting Italian art - from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries -, the gallery has organized more than three hundred art exhibitions in its premises and created over 400 publications ( catalogs, monographs, narrative, non-fiction and poetry collections). Organized auctions of painting and sculpture as well as in their headquarters in Florence, during the summer, in Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria. The Gallery's publishing and exhibition activity is aimed at the service of public exhibitions in Italian and foreign Municipalities and Museums; at Villa Malpensata, on behalf of the Dicastery Museums and Culture of the city of Lugano, the Gallery organized a large exhibition of paintings and graphics in 1986. In 1998, on behalf of the Municipality of Grosseto, he organized and published the exhibition catalog to commemorate Mino Maccari - "In the centenary of his birth" - exhibition which was subsequently hosted by the Campania Region at the Palazzo Reale in Naples for its high cultural content, in Puglia, by the Province and the Municipality of Bari at the Provincial Art Gallery of that city. For the editions they are worthy of note: the beginning of the cataloging of the work of "Mino Maccari" and of the "Disegni di Ottone Rosai", the "Cataloging of all the engravings of Giovanni Fattori in the Franconi Collection" by Andrea Baboni with preface by Federico Zeri; the publication of the General Catalog of the Incisa work by Piero Dorazio (1962-1993) by Gabriele Simongini. Among his major editorial awards he received in 1983 with the volume of Carlo Betocchi "Memorie, racconti e poemetti in prosa", the Librex-Guggenheim Prize, Eugenio Montale for Poetry. For exhibitions, the most deserving exhibitions of personal interest are those organized on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of two of the most important Italian painters of the twentieth century: that of Ottone Rosai (1995), and of Filippo de Pisis (1996 ), exhibitions that due to their importance were organized under "The High Patronage of the Presidency of the Italian Republic". This attribution is granted only to cultural events of great national importance (and very rarely granted to private organizations). In addition there are the exhibitions dedicated to "Giovanni Fattori, new contributions", (1994); in 1997 the exhibition "Macchiaioli, nuovi contribu" by Dario Durbé and those dedicated simultaneously to the "Macchiaioli" and "Antonio Puccinelli" movements, on the occasion of the centenary of the artist's death, in collaboration with the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Sotto (1998); the "Epocale" exhibition (four generations of artists and their movements in comparison): Pop, Graffiti and Cracking Art and the monographic one, dedicated to the work of Andy Warhol (1999). In March of the same year, the Gallery started four months (with the exception of summer breaks) a real consultancy and auctioning activity on behalf of third parties, holding in its premises an important sale of 19th century paintings and drawings. of the 900 and antique objects, works coming in part from the collection of Ragghianti heirs (for paintings and drawings), and from the heirs of the antiquarian Bruzzichelli (for antiques). Subsequently, in December, he carried out the second auction of the 1999 season of paintings, drawings and sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries. In the year 2000, in collaboration with the Lionello Balestrieri Foundation and the Municipality of Cetona, he published the volume on the work of Lionello Balestrieri, "A hundred years from the conferment to the artist of the gold medal at the Paris Universal Salon"; in 2001 the Homage to Ardengo Soffici "A Tuscan Art for Europe" curated by Luigi Cavallo. For the Modern and Contemporary Art in 2012 are to be counted the exhibitions tribute to Alberto Burri and Piero Vignozzi, in March 2013 the tribute to Renato Guttuso "A precious collection and in July-September the tribute to Mino Maccari" 'Arte' with unpublished and rare paintings orgaqnizzato for the Fondazione Terre Medicee in the Palazzo Mediceo of Seravezza. All the exhibits are accompanied by a large illustrated catalog.
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Pananti Auction House
Founded in 1968 by the current management, it has become, thanks to its uninterrupted exhibition activity, with personal and collective exhibitions, auction sales on behalf of third parties flanked by the uninterrupted publishing activity, reference point and meeting point for collectors, critics art, painters, sculptors, poets and writers. During its more than forty years of activity, aimed above all at supporting Italian art - from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries -, the gallery has organized more than three hundred art exhibitions in its premises and created over 400 publications ( catalogs, monographs, narrative, non-fiction and poetry collections). Organized auctions of painting and sculpture as well as in their headquarters in Florence, during the summer, in Sicily, Sardinia and Calabria. The Gallery's publishing and exhibition activity is aimed at the service of public exhibitions in Italian and foreign Municipalities and Museums; at Villa Malpensata, on behalf of the Dicastery Museums and Culture of the city of Lugano, the Gallery organized a large exhibition of paintings and graphics in 1986. In 1998, on behalf of the Municipality of Grosseto, he organized and published the exhibition catalog to commemorate Mino Maccari - "In the centenary of his birth" - exhibition which was subsequently hosted by the Campania Region at the Palazzo Reale in Naples for its high cultural content, in Puglia, by the Province and the Municipality of Bari at the Provincial Art Gallery of that city. For the editions they are worthy of note: the beginning of the cataloging of the work of "Mino Maccari" and of the "Disegni di Ottone Rosai", the "Cataloging of all the engravings of Giovanni Fattori in the Franconi Collection" by Andrea Baboni with preface by Federico Zeri; the publication of the General Catalog of the Incisa work by Piero Dorazio (1962-1993) by Gabriele Simongini. Among his major editorial awards he received in 1983 with the volume of Carlo Betocchi "Memorie, racconti e poemetti in prosa", the Librex-Guggenheim Prize, Eugenio Montale for Poetry. For exhibitions, the most deserving exhibitions of personal interest are those organized on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of two of the most important Italian painters of the twentieth century: that of Ottone Rosai (1995), and of Filippo de Pisis (1996 ), exhibitions that due to their importance were organized under "The High Patronage of the Presidency of the Italian Republic". This attribution is granted only to cultural events of great national importance (and very rarely granted to private organizations). In addition there are the exhibitions dedicated to "Giovanni Fattori, new contributions", (1994); in 1997 the exhibition "Macchiaioli, nuovi contribu" by Dario Durbé and those dedicated simultaneously to the "Macchiaioli" and "Antonio Puccinelli" movements, on the occasion of the centenary of the artist's death, in collaboration with the Municipality of Castelnuovo di Sotto (1998); the "Epocale" exhibition (four generations of artists and their movements in comparison): Pop, Graffiti and Cracking Art and the monographic one, dedicated to the work of Andy Warhol (1999). In March of the same year, the Gallery started four months (with the exception of summer breaks) a real consultancy and auctioning activity on behalf of third parties, holding in its premises an important sale of 19th century paintings and drawings. of the 900 and antique objects, works coming in part from the collection of Ragghianti heirs (for paintings and drawings), and from the heirs of the antiquarian Bruzzichelli (for antiques). Subsequently, in December, he carried out the second auction of the 1999 season of paintings, drawings and sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries. In the year 2000, in collaboration with the Lionello Balestrieri Foundation and the Municipality of Cetona, he published the volume on the work of Lionello Balestrieri, "A hundred years from the conferment to the artist of the gold medal at the Paris Universal Salon"; in 2001 the Homage to Ardengo Soffici "A Tuscan Art for Europe" curated by Luigi Cavallo. For the Modern and Contemporary Art in 2012 are to be counted the exhibitions tribute to Alberto Burri and Piero Vignozzi, in March 2013 the tribute to Renato Guttuso "A precious collection and in July-September the tribute to Mino Maccari" 'Arte' with unpublished and rare paintings orgaqnizzato for the Fondazione Terre Medicee in the Palazzo Mediceo of Seravezza. All the exhibits are accompanied by a large illustrated catalog.
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Digitizing your art collection allows you to access it anywhere around the world.
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Available on any device, mac, pc & more is a cloud based solution that gives you access to your collection anywhere you have a secure internet connection. In addition to a beautiful web dashboard, we also provide users with a suite of mobile applications that allow for data synchronization and offline browsing. Feel confident in your ability to access your art collection anywhere around the world at anytime. Download today!

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