Cheong Soo Pieng
Born 1917 • Singaporean
CHEONG Soo Pieng was born in Xiamen, Fujian, China in 1917. In 1935, he graduated from Xiamen Academy of Fine Arts. In 1936, he moved to Shanghai to study at Xinhua Academy of Fine Arts. In 1946, he moved to Singapore and taught art at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese High School. As one of the most significant of overseas Chinese artists active in the 20th century, Cheong Soo Pieng was a ceaseless innovator, never settling for an established style. He is famous for a wide-ranging repertoire of art styles and series, various mediums and invented a wide array of unique methods and expressions. It reflects his ability to reconfigure aspects of reality and present entirely new visual dimensions. Through his innovations in style and subject matter, Cheong Soo Pieng demonstrated a creativity that proved far more advanced than most of his contemporaries. Cheong’s important group exhibitions include Four Artists to Bali at Singapore Art Society, Singapore, 1953; Malaysian Art Exhibition at National Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur, 1965. His important solo exhibitions include Twenty Years of His Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumper, 1967; Cheong Soo Pieng Retrospective Exhibition at National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore, 1983; Bridging Worlds at Singapore Art Museum, Singapore, 2010. His recent exhibition is Cheong Soo Pieng: A Centenary Celebration in Taiwan, organized by Asia Art Center Taipei in 2017
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Cheong Soo Pieng
Born 1917 • Singaporean
CHEONG Soo Pieng was born in Xiamen, Fujian, China in 1917. In 1935, he graduated from Xiamen Academy of Fine Arts. In 1936, he moved to Shanghai to study at Xinhua Academy of Fine Arts. In 1946, he moved to Singapore and taught art at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts and Chinese High School. As one of the most significant of overseas Chinese artists active in the 20th century, Cheong Soo Pieng was a ceaseless innovator, never settling for an established style. He is famous for a wide-ranging repertoire of art styles and series, various mediums and invented a wide array of unique methods and expressions. It reflects his ability to reconfigure aspects of reality and present entirely new visual dimensions. Through his innovations in style and subject matter, Cheong Soo Pieng demonstrated a creativity that proved far more advanced than most of his contemporaries. Cheong’s important group exhibitions include Four Artists to Bali at Singapore Art Society, Singapore, 1953; Malaysian Art Exhibition at National Art Gallery Kuala Lumpur, 1965. His important solo exhibitions include Twenty Years of His Art, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumper, 1967; Cheong Soo Pieng Retrospective Exhibition at National Museum Art Gallery, Singapore, 1983; Bridging Worlds at Singapore Art Museum, Singapore, 2010. His recent exhibition is Cheong Soo Pieng: A Centenary Celebration in Taiwan, organized by Asia Art Center Taipei in 2017
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Available on any device, mac, pc & more is a cloud based solution that gives you access to your collection anywhere you have a secure internet connection. In addition to a beautiful web dashboard, we also provide users with a suite of mobile applications that allow for data synchronization and offline browsing. Feel confident in your ability to access your art collection anywhere around the world at anytime. Download today!

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